Support Us

CARE (T04SS0204E) has been granted status as an Institution of a Public Character (IPC) with effect from 1 November 2010. This means that all donations to CARE are income tax deductible and automatically deducted.

How to Donate

Donations may be made by an individual, a company or an organisation at any time. All donations will be receipted, as provided for below:

  • In Cash – This must be handed over to a member of CARE staff and will be immediately receipted by the latter by issue of an official receipt in the name of the donor. Cash donations should not be sent by post.
  • By Cheque – This must be crossed and made payable to “Catholic AIDS Response Effort”, with the donor’s particulars clearly printed at the back.  If the donation is sent by post, the receipt will be posted back.
  • Online Banking – You may also donate by keying in our UEN number T04SS0204E via your online banking app. To request for tax deduction for your PayNow donation, please indicate your full name (as per your identification card) under “Bill Reference”. Thereafter email your full name, NRIC, FIN or Passport No., the donated amount and date of donation to

Tax Deductible Donations

  • All donations to an IPC are tax deductible
  • To enjoy this, w.e.f 1 Jan 2011, all donors must provide their Tax Reference (i.e. NRIC, FIN, UEN, etc) to the IPC when making the donation. The IPC will submit returns of donors monthly to the Controller of Income Tax, who will automatically deduct the donation from the donor’s assessable income. The donor need not do anything, and need not include the donation or its receipt in the Income Tax Returns
  • Tax deductible receipts are no longer necessary and non-tax deductible receipts issued by CARE may be kept for personal record purposes.

Particulars Required

To facilitate tax reporting to IRS, donors are required to provide the following information when making a donation:

  • Name as in NRIC or Passport.
  • Tax Reference (i.e. NRIC, FIN, UEN, etc.)
  • Postal address
  • Specific purpose of donation, if any
  • Telephone or Mobile
  • Fax and Email (in the case of a Designated Donation)

Contact us at 6353 5440 if you wish to make a donation.